There are several Ayurvedic products we recommend to our students.

organic vata tea

A careful blend of liquorice, cinnamon, cardamom and ginger give Organic Vata Tea a full and sweet taste and helps bring your disturbed Vata back into a state of balance. It leaves you feeling soothed, calmed and relaxed.

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Tongue scraper

In addition to brushing the teeth, Ayurveda puts great emphasis on gently scraping the top surface of the tongue in the morning to remove any deposits, known as “ama”, that may collect there overnight.

Purchase here – stainless steel

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vata massage oil

Ayurveda considers massage with sesame oil as the best treatment for those with an excess of Vata Dosha. Vata is the air element in our body responsible for all movement. When over-stimulated through diet, stress, cold, dry windy weather, over-exercise, lack of sleep and a disorganised lifestyle, our Vata becomes unbalanced. An over-active mind, anxiety, insomnia, aches and pains and low immunity can result. Vata Massage Oil consists of sesame oil, ripened for deep penetration and infused with a balance of herbs designed to soothe Vata. This warming, calming herbalized oil relaxes, grounds and strengthen the whole nervous system.

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ripened organic sesame oil

Ayurveda sees self-administered oil massage as one of the best health habits you can adopt. It nourishes and protects your body and balances all three doshas (controlling elements of the body). Cold-press organic sesame oil (til oil) is considered the best oil to use. Our sesame oil is ripened to a specific temperature to ensure that it has maximum penetrating properties. Daily massage with sesame oil can help extend your performance, overall well-being and longevity. It lubricates and tones the skin, muscles and joints, improves circulation, helps the elimination of toxins from the blood, elevates energy levels, helps calm the mind and nerves, and sharpen the mind.

Also suitable for oil pulling.

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nasal drops

Supports mental clarity and health of upper respiratory tract and sinuses.

Nasal Drops are for sniffing up the nose. They contain 27 herbs infused into sesame oil and goats milk to balance, purify and protect your nasal passages and sinuses, and help keep them clean and free of toxins. Clear nasals passages support clear thinking, resistance to infection and eye function.

These special herbal preparations are carefully formulated by Ayurvedic experts according to the original traditional texts.

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mak nectar paste

MAK Nectar paste is an Ayurvedic Rasayana, designed to nourish all the major body systems. It enlivens the body’s intelligence and is a full spectrum super-antioxidant. Using an age-old formula, numerous herbal ingredients are combined synergistically in hundreds of meticulous steps to create an authentic product of unparalleled quality. The result is a herbal masterpiece that protects and brings vitality and strength to mind and body.

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Ghee is highly praised in Ayurveda and considered one of the greatest of foods.

Ghee, the gold of the Ayurvedic kitchen, has been used for thousands of years in the preparation of food. Made by Ayurvedic experts, according to an ancient recipe. This ghee is without additives, free from milk proteins, lactose and GMOs.

The ayurvedic kitchen uses ghee instead of butter, oil or fat. For stewing, braising, frying and baking; roasting of spices; on bread or toast alone or with spices and added to cooked food to enhance the taste.

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raw honey

Commercial honey is heated during processing, which destroys many of its nutrients. Ayurveda says that eating heated honey creates a toxin (Ama) that is hard to remove from the body. This honey is unheated. This preserves its unique flavour as well as the enzymes that are lacking in commercial honey. The bees aren’t given antibiotics and instead of being fed sugar during the winter they are fed honey, their natural food. Oak honey has been used in natural healthcare for centuries.

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vata spice blend

This soothing blend of spices supports appetite and digestion. It enhances nutrition by supplying all six tastes and its warming effect enhances stability.

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ground turmeric

Turmeric gives curry its colour. It is one of the most important spices in Indian cooking, especially for soups, vegetable, dhal and chutneys. It possesses a slightly bitter hot taste. Ayurveda recommends the usage of herbs and spices for a balanced nutrition.

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ground ginger

Ginger is one of the most important spices in Ayurveda. In Sanskrit a name for ginger is Vishabhesaj which means “universally beneficial”. Its taste (rasa) is hot. Its effect after digesting (vipaka) is sweet. Ginger goes well with vegetable dishes, chutneys, sweet foods and baking.

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mung dal

Ayurveda considers mung dal to be health promoting and balancing for all three doshas (controlling elements in the body). This dal is praised in ayurvedic texts as being highly nutritious and easy to digest.

It is quick to cook and has a nutty flavour and creamy texture. We have sourced our mung dal from controlled organic farms.

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