Welcome to Kate’s #MeMeditating account — part of our #MeMeditating series, where students share their real-life stories of how Vedic Meditation affects their lives.
Seasoned meditator Kate has been meditating for many years, and has become expert in fitting meditation into her busy life.
I’m Kate.
I was astonished to come across this photo the other day, showing me meditating on the train back from Brighton. It was taken in the summer of 2019, when getting way up close to fellow commuters with (almost) total indifference was the norm. My meditations for the best part of 2020 look more like the second picture, where I’m on the bed propped up by pillows instead of people.
Despite the apparent contrast between these two meditations, the same thing is going on for me inside – I’m enjoying the delicious stillness in the midst of whatever is going on around me (not pictured in the second photo was the drilling happening next door). With both meditations, I’m left feeling revitalised and ready to get on with my day afterwards.
I hope that one day soon I can again nonchalantly enjoy meditating in a not so socially-distanced manner, but until then I am very grateful for this practice that will support me and those around me as we navigate the inevitable challenges of another lockdown in England.