Welcome to the latest instalment of our #MeMeditating series. Hear from our students as they share their real-life stories of how Vedic Meditation supported them during lockdown.
– April 2020 –
We’re Elisa & Chris (and Bruce!).
We learned to meditate with Michael in New York in December 2019.
We’d been dabbling with meditation apps for a few years. Chris works long hours and was looking to reduce stress and improve his sleep. For me, it was a desire to heal on a deeper level after experiencing some trauma. We realised we could no longer put it off — “busy” was no longer a good enough excuse.
Meditation has given me the confidence to make gut-led decisions from a place of intuitive knowing whereas previously I would let my mind (and fear) control me. For Chris his sleep has improved, he’s calmer and more aware of his behaviours and reactions.
We’re currently in lockdown in Brooklyn with our 2-year-old french bulldog, Bruce — he’s not a regular mediator but we think he would benefit from it 🙂
Lockdown’s been an opportunity for us to slow down and focus on what’s important — our health, family, friendships, and community. We’re very fortunate to be working through this pandemic — Chris works in global finance and I’m an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, so we’ve both been busier than ever. It’s been a big period of adjustment as we learn to work, live and be together 24/7 but we’re now in a flow state.
Daily meditation has been a wonderful tool to help us remain grounded and calm amongst the chaos and uncertainty. We especially love the weekly group meditation and are so thankful for the support of this community.
Follow Elisa on Instagram @eathealmove to see how she’s supporting her client’s health and nutrition during this time.