Welcome to Felicity’s #MeMeditating account – part of our #MeMeditating series, where students share their real-life stories of how Vedic Meditation affects their lives.
For headteacher Felicity, she can’t imagine her life without meditation. Many of her teachers have also learned to meditate, and she tells us how it’s affected how they work as a team.
I’m Felicity.
At my school, meditation has had a profound effect on all our lives, and has filtered into our relationships with each other, and our teaching. We have become calmer and more focussed.
One of the hugely appealing aspects of Vedic meditation is how very simple it is. You have a mantra, and you meditate wherever you are. Some years ago, I meditated, and was required to light a candle and incense, both burned in front of a photograph of my guru, sit crossed-legged, with a straight back. I enjoyed the meditation but did find the twice daily ritual that went with it onerous!
I find it impossible to describe the effect meditating has on my life. It is subtle, intangible and beautiful. Twice a day one goes to an extraordinary place of calm. Meditating is a love affair: colours are brighter, food tastes more delicious, my equilibrium recovers more quickly after being accosted by aggression or bad news. If I go into the world, and I haven’t meditated that day, something feels distinctly wrong, like leaving the house without cleaning my teeth!
I feel intensely grateful to Jillian and Michael. Vedic meditation is a huge gift.