Welcome to the latest instalment of our #MeMeditating series. Hear from our students as they share their real-life stories of how Vedic Meditation supported them during lockdown.
– August 2020 –
I’m Lucy.
When did you learn to meditate?
January 2009 (I can’t believe it’s already more than a decade!)
Why did you learn to meditate?
My husband, Ole, and I learnt to meditate together. As freelance workaholics working in the arts, we were tired and overwhelmed, despite working creatively.
What benefits have you experienced from learning to meditate?
Where to begin?! There were the immediate effects of feeling more rested and balanced as well as the ability to more smoothly negotiate constant change and varying degrees of pressure. I had pretty bad migraines at that time (partly hereditary, partly environmental) and these started to improve and become less severe, and less frequent. More long term we noticed the development of a gap between being responsive and reactive: we were still as sensitive and nuanced in our responses to others and our creativity but we were less reactive to challenging behaviour from co-workers and family. Also, as self-employed creatives, who are not the biggest extroverts (understatement!) we found it easier to generate our sense of self, allowing us to meet the world with more equanimity and confidence.
Where are you at the moment?
We’re at home in Glasgow where we’ve been living for the last couple of years. Ole was filming in Canada in early March – we’re very grateful that when his film production was shut down he was able to make it home to the UK.
How’s lockdown/ coming out of lockdown going? What have you been up to, how are you getting on?
Ole and I have been married for seven years and because we work internationally in related but different contexts, we have often spent months apart from one another. As anyone knows who has negotiated a long-distance relationship this can be demanding! The last 3 ½ months, whilst challenging financially, have been amazing for our relationship. Slowing down and spending time together, on top of our daily meditations, has really enabled us to work through some issues that lie ahead for us and to enjoy time spent in long leisurely conversations and having fun together. Additionally, we have been so grateful for the weekly group meditations and events like Conscious Conversations that Jillian and Michael have made available – amazing to have these resources from our teachers.
How’s meditation helping you at the moment?
Like many people, we face uncertainty with our work and additionally we are emotionally and practically supporting relatives at a distance. Alongside this we are wanting to be more vocal about our recognition of our white privilege and more powerful in our efforts to stand alongside oppressed minorities. Meditation continues to allow us to access deep rest, release of anxiety and helps resource us to envision hope, acceptance and a sense of humour for what comes next!