Taking a Leap

This photo was taken on Day 1 of a recent Vedic Meditation course.


It’s a big moment, beginning the course.


Students-to-be arrive with a bunch of flowers and some sweet fruits. Usually, they’ve come on their own. Many have travelled quite a distance to attend. And they have no idea what’s going to happen next.


There’s a mix of excitement and nervous anticipation. The excitement you have when you sense something life-changing is coming. But also nervousness, as the mind starts whirring:


“Am I going to be able to do it?”
“Who are these people?”
“Why do I have to take my shoes off?”
“Did I bring the right flowers?


Then before they know it, they’re ushered into a chair and begin the process of learning how to settle the mind. They’ve taken a step into the unknown and they’re not going back.


Excitement is winning. And that’s the sweet spot, the place where transformation happens. It’s the place of progress.


It might feel a bit scary, yet when you leap, excitement wins.


Otherwise, the intellect takes over and we believe the stories we tell ourselves. That slows us down. It keeps us stuck in the ever-repeating known. And that’s not a fun place.


The unknown is the progressive place.
The unknown is the exciting place.
The unknown is actually the safe place.


What are you going to do today that will take you into the unknown?


– Jillian Lavender is co-founder of London Meditation Centre and New York Meditation Center