London Meditation Centre has given me the tools I need to meditate which has gradually empowered me to lead a more truthful life—becoming more aware, and sensitive to the things that really matter. From early on I started to get rid of unnecessary and even harmful clutter in my life and to focus on things of greater value. I look forward to, and go to as many of the group sessions as I can and in fact have only missed one. These sessions are so helpful and charge up the meditation experience. It really feels like there is a solid support network to encourage and inspire at any time. The best meditation experience is doing it together, in a big group. The best encouragement is learning through shared experience. And at these groups where anybody can raise a question, Jillian or Michael share their wisdom and knowledge in an open, generous, friendly, enthusiastic way. It’s fantastic to have the opportunity to gain from the sessions so regularly.
Meditation seems to be organic and develop in ways that are parallel to personal situations. I find that every so often I need to be reined in from my own personal journey with it, by being reminded of the simple, clear technique and the reasons why it is so beneficial to humanity as a whole, and to me as an individual. It’s hard to sustain any long-term doubts because Jillian and Michael are living proof of the benefits of meditation.
Joanna, Print Designer