Easy and enjoyable

I have been meditating for nearly three years, following the 4-day course in central London. I was a bit sceptical at first as to the methods and benefits of meditation, but was pleasantly surprised at how easy and satisfactory it is and I now meditate twice a day for 20 minutes each time.

The course teachers, Jillian and Michael, are amazing and full of useful information on dealing with life experiences through meditation. Their explanations and analogies answer all questions and dispel any doubts. They are gentle and respectful people with a great deal of insight and empathy with their students.

Initially, I found I enjoyed the time dedicated to meditating twice a day and my family supported me in this. I attend as many of the Monday evening group sessions as I can. These are helpful as they re-connect me (and many others) with the pleasures of meditation. As in all groups, you can find support and reassurance from fellow participants and the teachers and share ideas and experiences.

I will continue to meditate as it is calming and relaxing and therefore has a beneficial effect for me and the people around me.

Yvonne, Retired NHS physiotherapist