More happiness

I stumbled into a meditation course by Jillian and Michael in 2010. During the retreat itself I noticed some immediate changes: a certain joyful, bubbly cheerfulness came up. I noticed that I could focus better – I would read the news and actually remember what I had read. Back in day-to-day life, I found that regular meditation helped me deal with the stresses of my job, and generally made me happier. I would walk into the dreadful 7am morning meetings wearing a smile. I would also meditate ahead of social occasions, as I found this would make me more talkative and outgoing after having meditated.

In 2013, as I started gaining some spiritual awareness, I redoubled my efforts both in meditation and other spiritual practices. As I did this, my perception of the world started to shift. I increasingly saw and experienced the world as a more beautiful, peaceful and friendly place. I attended a rounding retreat in late 2013 by London Meditation Centre. In retrospect, that retreat gave my spiritual awareness a further boost.

The experiences from meditation were life changing. I would recommend it to anyone. I look forward to attending further courses by Jillian and Michael, and am very grateful to them for their ongoing support of former students via the regular group meditation sessions.

Lukas, Finance